Monday, December 30, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014, new year, 2014, new year message, happy new year messages, new year quotes, new year text quotes, New year image, new year logo, New year pictures

The Start Of A New Year
Always Promises New Abundance And Happiness
But Sometimes We May Meet Pitfalls On The Way.
As The New Year Starts
Let Us Ask For God’s Blessing
To Safely Navigate Through This Year.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Cancelled Triathlon Organized by BoneIslandTri is Back

BoneIslandTri organized a race then canceled the full race due to financial problems. However, athletes went online to express their dissappointment and disgust, now it seems the scheduled race is back on. It is set on Januaray 25, 2013 in Key West. It is a 140.6-mile race.

The organizer announced last Thursday on their Facebook page that they have not attracted enough athletes for the race and that they are canceling the full race and moving it to July 2015.

"BoneIslandTri will still move the 2015 date to July as we have had a difficult financial loss trying to create an event in January for full athletes."

On their website, they have announced that the full distance event is re-instated:

"The BoneIslandTri Full-Distance event will still be held this January 25, 2013.  We will be making changes to the course to keep both events for all athletes. Thank you for all of your comments and feedback."